Skunkware 5
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C/C++ Source or Header
509 lines
#include "c_includes.h"
* cbzone_graphics.c
* -- Todd W Mummert, December 1990, CMU
* RCS Info
* $Header: c_graphics.c,v 1.1 91/01/12 02:03:33 mummert Locked $
Font controlfont, titlefont, generalfont;
void message(number, bell)
int number;
Bool bell;
static int xpt = 70;
static int ypt[] = {507, 567, 627};
static char* messages[] = {"ENEMY TANK IN FIRING ARC",
int ind;
char text[41];
ind = abs(number) - 1;
if (number < 0)
sprintf(text,"%-40s"," ");
printstring(xpt, ypt[ind], text, 40);
if (bell)
void screeninit()
controlfont = gprloadfontfile(CONTROLFONT);
titlefont = gprloadfontfile(TITLEFONT);
generalfont = gprloadfontfile(GENERALFONT);
void staticscreen()
static int window[2][2] = {70, 75, 860, 350};
int pt[2], radius;
char text[30];
static short line[] = {58, 66, 66, 58, 56, 438, 68, 438, 938, 56,
938, 68, 942, 442, 934, 434, 56, 472, 68, 472,
934, 468, 942, 476, 58, 644, 66, 652, 932, 648,
944, 648};
static short scan[] = {500, 495, 500, 500, 500, 625, 500, 620, 435, 560,
440, 560, 565, 560, 560, 560};
static short scrn[] = {75, 64, 925, 64, 936, 75, 936, 425, 925, 436,
75, 436, 64, 425, 64, 75, 75, 64};
drawrectangle(50, 50, 900, 400); /* draw the outer top rectangle */
drawrectangle(53, 53, 894, 394); /* inner top */
drawrectangle(50, 460, 900, 200); /* outer bottom */
drawrectangle(53, 463, 894, 194); /* inner bottom */
polyline(scrn, 9); /* inner top frame */
pt[0] = 62;
pt[1] = 62;
radius = 6;
gprcircle(pt, radius); /* now let's draw some screws */
pt[0] = 938;
gprcircle(pt, radius);
pt[1] = 438;
gprcircle(pt, radius);
pt[0] = 62;
gprcircle(pt, radius);
pt[0] = 62;
pt[1] = 472;
gprcircle(pt, radius);
pt[0] = 938;
gprcircle(pt, radius);
pt[1] = 648;
gprcircle(pt, radius);
pt[0] = 62;
gprcircle(pt, radius);
multiline(line, 8); /* now the slots */
pt[0] = 500;
pt[1] = 560;
radius = 65;
gprcircle(pt, radius); /* radar screen */
radius = 64;
gprcircle(pt, radius);
multiline(scan, 4);
pt[0] = 855;
pt[1] = 560;
radius = 65;
gprcircle(pt, radius); /* joystick screen */
radius = 64;
gprcircle(pt, radius);
drawrectangle(590, 570, 55, 30); /* missile warning */
drawrectangle(655, 570, 55, 30); /* lander warning */
drawrectangle(590, 520, 120, 30); /* score box */
strcpy(text, "BATTLEZONE V2.0c");
printstring(50, 45, text, strlen(text));
strcpy(text, "F"); /* directions for the joystick */
printstring(850, 503, text, 1);
strcpy(text, "B");
printstring(850, 630, text, 1);
strcpy(text, "R");
printstring(913, 570, text, 1);
strcpy(text, "L");
printstring(785, 570, text, 1);
strcpy(text, "Missile"); /* warning messages */
printstring(595, 590, text, 7);
strcpy(text, "Lander");
printstring(664, 590, text, 6);
strcpy(text, "H"); /* switch positions */
printstring(920, 608, text, 1);
strcpy(text, "L");
printstring(920, 642, text, 1);
gprsetclipwindow(window); /* define the playing field */
pt[0] = 500;
pt[1] = 355;
void updatedisplay (missile, lander, score, numleft, sens, reset)
Bool missile, lander, sens, reset;
int score, numleft;
char text[11];
static Bool flasher[] = {False, False};
static int currentnumleft = 0;
static int currentscore = -1;
static int bswitch[] = {918, 612};
static int wind1[][2] = {591, 571, 54, 29};
static int wind2[][2] = {656, 571, 54, 29};
static int origin[][2] = {733, 493, 733, 533, 733, 573, 733, 613};
static Bool currentsens = True;
if (reset) {
flasher[0] = flasher[1] = False;
currentsens = True;
if ((flasher[0] && !missile) || /* change the missile warning */
(!flasher[0] && missile)) {
flasher[0] = missile;
if ((flasher[1] && !lander) || /* change the lander warning */
(!flasher[1] && lander)) {
flasher[1] = lander;
if (score != currentscore) { /* change the score */
currentscore = score;
printstring(608, 542, text, strlen(text));
if (numleft < currentnumleft && numleft >= 0) /* remove tank(s) */
while (numleft != currentnumleft)
removepixmap(4, origin[--currentnumleft]);
if (numleft > currentnumleft) /* add tank(s) */
while (numleft != currentnumleft && currentnumleft < 4)
putpixmap(4, origin[currentnumleft++]);
if (sens && !currentsens) { /* change to high gear */
putpixmap(2, bswitch);
currentsens = sens;
else if (!sens && currentsens) { /* change to low gear */
putpixmap(3, bswitch);
currentsens = sens;
void joystick (position, sens, pl)
int* position;
Genericp pl;
Bool sens;
static float sscale[] = {0.06, 0.03};
static float rscale[] = {0.00013, 0.000065};
static int destorigin[] = {845, 550};
static short stick[8] = {0};
static Bool first = True;
static Bool draw = True;
int ind;
float scrot, sctot, scale, xl, yl, tl, xoff, yoff;
if (sens)
ind = 0;
ind = 1;
pl->speed = -(position[1] - 355.0) * sscale[ind];
pl->rotate = (position[0] - 500.0) * rscale[ind];
if (fabs(pl->speed) > 10.0)
pl->speed = sign(10.0, pl->speed);
if (fabs(pl->rotate) > 0.030)
pl->rotate = sign(0.030, pl->rotate);
scrot = pl->rotate * 10.0 / 0.030;
sctot = sqrt(pl->speed*pl->speed + scrot*scrot);
if (sctot > 10.0) {
scale = 10.0 / sctot;
pl->speed *= scale;
pl->rotate *= scale;
if (draw) {
if (!first) {
removepixmap(1, destorigin);
multiline(stick, 2);
first = False;
destorigin[0] = 35.0 * (pl->rotate / 0.03) + 845.0;
destorigin[1] = -35.0 * (pl->speed / 10.0) + 550.0;
putpixmap(1, destorigin);
xl = pl->rotate / 0.030;
yl = pl->speed / 10.0;
tl = sqrt(xl*xl + yl*yl);
if (tl > 0.05) {
yoff = xl / tl * 9.0;
xoff = yl / tl * 9.0;
else {
yoff = 0.0;
xoff = 0.0;
stick[0] = stick[4] = 855;
stick[2] = destorigin[0] + 10 + xoff / 2;
stick[6] = destorigin[0] + 10 - xoff / 2;
stick[1] = stick[5] = 560;
stick[3] = destorigin[1] + 10 + yoff / 2;;
stick[7] = destorigin[1] + 10 - yoff / 2;
multiline(stick, 2);
draw = !draw;
pl->rotate = -pl->rotate;
* scanner
* draws the radar scan...
void scanner(o)
Genericp o;
static float scale = 0.03;
static XSegment scanline[] = {500, 560, 500, 560};
static Bool init = True;
static XSegment* dot;
static float ca = 1.0; /* keep track of where the scanner line */
static float sa = 0.0; /* is currently positioned */
static float sda = 0.087156;
static float cda = 0.996195;
static int ind = 0; /* number of enemies last on scanner */
float temp;
Genericp g;
XSegment* nextdot;
XSegment* curdot;
if (init) {
dot = (XSegment*) malloc(sizeof(XSegment)*2*opt->mobjects);
if (dot == NULL) {
printf("Malloc failed...too many objects?\n");
init = False;
multiline(scanline, 1); /* erase scan line */
if (ind) /* erase enemies, if necessary */
multiline(dot, ind);
temp = ca;
ca = ca * cda - sa * sda;
sa = sa * cda + sda * temp;
scanline->x2 = 60.0 * ca + 500;
scanline->y2 = 60.0 * sa + 560;
multiline(scanline, 1); /* draw scanline */
ind = 0;
curdot = dot;
for (g=o+opt->estart; g<o+opt->lstart; g++)
if (g->attr & IS_ALIVE && g->range <= 2000.0 && g->range != 0.0) {
nextdot = curdot + 1;
nextdot->x1 = curdot->x1 = 500 + g->prox * scale - 1;
nextdot->y2 = curdot->y1 = 560 - g->proy * scale + 1;
nextdot->x2 = curdot->x2 = curdot->x1 + 2;
nextdot->y1 = curdot->y2 = curdot->y1 - 2;
ind += 2;
curdot += 2;
if (ind)
multiline(dot, ind); /* draw enemies, if necessary */
void xhairs (aligned)
Bool aligned;
static Bool last = False;
static short pt1[] = {500, 215, 500, 235, 500, 285, 500, 305, 475, 240,
475, 235, 475, 235, 525, 235, 525, 235, 525, 240,
475, 280, 475, 285, 475, 285, 525, 285, 525, 285,
525, 280};
static short pt2[] = {500, 215, 500, 235, 500, 285, 500, 305, 475, 245,
500, 235, 500, 235, 525, 245, 475, 275, 500, 285,
500, 285, 525, 275};
static Bool draw = True;
if (draw) {
if (aligned) {
if (!last) {
gprsetdrawvalue(opt->cpi[COLOR_BG]); /* erase the old */
multiline(pt1, 8);
last = True;
gprsetdrawvalue(opt->cpi[COLOR_XHAIR]); /* draw the new */
multiline(pt2, 6);
else {
if (last) {
gprsetdrawvalue(opt->cpi[COLOR_BG]); /* erase the old */
multiline(pt2, 6);
last = False;
gprsetdrawvalue(opt->cpi[COLOR_XHAIR]); /* draw the new */
multiline(pt1, 8);
draw = !draw;
void drawhorizon(azm)
float azm;
static short horizon[] = {500, 240, 500, 240, 500, 240, 500, 240,
500, 240, 500, 240, 500, 240, 500, 240,
500, 240, 500, 240, 500, 240, 500, 240,
500, 240, 500, 240, 500, 240, 500, 240,
500, 240, 500, 240, 500, 240, 500, 240,
500, 240, 500, 240, 500, 240, 500, 240,
500, 240, 500, 240, 500, 240, 500, 240,
500, 240, 500, 240, 500, 240, 500, 240,
500, 240, 500, 240, 500, 240, 500, 240,
500, 240, 500, 240, 500, 240, 500, 240,
500, 240, 500, 240, 500, 240, 500, 240,
500, 240, 500, 240, 500, 240, 500, 240};
static int number = 0;
static float rdc = 0.01745329251;
static float scale = 15.0;
static int numclust[] = {8, 12, 10, 12, 10, 10};
static int clustux[][12] = {150, 140, 150, 60, 85, -100, -50, -150, 0, 0,
0, 0, 150, 50, 75, 0, 0, 7, 0, -40, 0, -110,
-25, -150, 150, 115, 115, 105, 115, -10, 0,
-125, -85, -150, 0, 0, 150, 130, 150, 10, 25,
-35, -35, 0, -35, -140, -110, -150, 150, -10,
25, -70, -50, -125, -125, -100, -125, -150,
0, 0, 150, 100, 140, 0, 0, -30, 0, -120, -60,
-150, 0, 0};
static int clustuy[][12] = {160, 220, 160, 250, 225, 245, 250, 240, 0, 0, 0,
0, 240, 227, 245, 190, 190, 215, 190, 225, 190,
213, 240, 200, 200, 189, 189, 225, 189, 244,
250, 165, 213, 135, 0, 0, 135, 200, 135, 210,
225, 165, 165, 230, 165, 228, 210, 215, 215,
217, 230, 195, 210, 150, 150, 210, 150, 173,
0, 0, 173, 209, 225, 170, 170, 225, 170, 230,
200, 160, 0, 0};
static int pt[2];
static Bool moon = False;
float center, xoff;
float deg, degmin, degmax;
int indmin, indmax, i, i1, j;
Bool flag1, flag2;
short* current;
multiline(horizon, number); /* erase horizon */
if (moon)
removepixmap(0, pt); /* erase moon */
deg = azm / rdc;
if (deg >= 360.0)
deg -= 360.0;
degmin = deg - 30.0;
degmax = deg + 30.0;
flag1 = False;
flag2 = False;
if (degmin < 0.0) {
degmin += 360.0;
flag1 = True;
if (degmax >= 360.0) {
degmax -= 360.0;
flag2 = True;
indmin = (int) (degmin / 20.0);
indmax = (int) (degmax / 20.0) + 1;
number = 0;
current = horizon;
if (!flag1 && !flag2)
for (i=indmin; i<indmax; i++) {
center = 10.0 + i * 20.0;
xoff = (deg - center) * scale + 500.0;
i1 = i % 6;
for (j= 0; j<numclust[i1]; j++){
*current++ = clustux[i1][j] + xoff;
*current++ = clustuy[i1][j];
else if (flag1) {
for (i= indmin; i<18; i++) {
center = 10.0 + i * 20.0;
xoff = (360.0 + deg - center) * scale + 500.0;
i1 = i % 6;
for (j=0; j<numclust[i1]; j++) {
*current++ = clustux[i1][j] + xoff;
*current++ = clustuy[i1][j];
for (i=0; i<indmax; i++) {
center = 10.0 + i * 20.0;
xoff = (deg - center) * scale + 500.0;
i1 = i % 6;
for (j=0; j<numclust[i1]; j++) {
*current++ = clustux[i1][j] + xoff;
*current++ = clustuy[i1][j];
else {
for (i=indmin; i<18; i++) {
center = 10.0 + i * 20.0;
xoff = (deg - center) * scale + 500.0;
i1 = i % 6;
for (j=0; j<numclust[i1]; j++) {
*current++ = clustux[i1][j] + xoff;
*current++ = clustuy[i1][j];
for (i=0; i<indmax; i++) {
center = 10.0 + i * 20.0;
xoff = (deg - 360.0 - center) * scale + 500.0;
i1 = i % 6;
for (j=0; j<numclust[i1]; j++) {
*current++ = clustux[i1][j] + xoff;
*current++ = clustuy[i1][j];
number >>= 1;
multiline(horizon, number); /* draw horizon */
if (deg <= 360.0 && deg >= 270.0) {
moon = True;
pt[0] = 500 + (deg - 315.0) * scale - 20;
pt[1] = 105 - 20;
putpixmap(0, pt); /* draw moon */
moon = False;
void drawcracks()
static short pt[] = {190, 75, 270, 175, 270, 175, 230, 265, 240, 243,
330, 290, 310, 280, 390, 235, 370, 246, 380, 195,
200, 425, 290, 365, 270, 378, 300, 325, 630, 425,
560, 335, 580, 361, 626, 295, 570, 348, 510, 355,
520, 354, 490, 275, 500, 301, 440, 290, 810, 75,
720, 125, 720, 125, 695, 205, 700, 200, 590, 210,
630, 206, 620, 256, 710, 157, 780, 245, 770, 232,
730, 305, 740, 287, 760, 315};
multiline(pt, 19); /* draw cracks */
void clearscreen ()
static int destorigin[] = {70, 75};
static int window[][2] = {70, 75, 860, 350};
clearrectangle(window, destorigin); /* erase the main viewscreen */